
The courses listed under ‘Your courses’ are the ones that you currently have access to; should you want access to any of the other available courses please contact the team at RDA National Office.

To start a course click on the relevant course within ‘Your courses’ below.

Each of the course lessons will be seen listed on the right hand side of the screen. You can come in and out of the course, and the progress box will show you what lessons are complete. Navigate each lesson in logical order – you will not be able to move onto the next lesson or topic until the one you started is complete. Sometimes you will be asked to answer questions before you can move onto the next page or lesson. You will need to click on the ‘Mark Complete’ to move onto the next lesson.

Scenarios – as you go through the courses, there may be some scenarios. Click on the ‘Scenario’ box. These are to help you see how the topic can affect us in RDA and to take time to think about how you would react if it happened to you.

End of course quiz – at the end of each course you will be asked to complete an end of course quiz.  If you successfully obtain the pass mark for the course you will be able to print a certificate.  Some of our courses only allow you to complete the end of course quiz once. If you find you did not obtain the pass mark, please contact us to have your quiz reset.